Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Digital Illustration : The Balloon Bear & Layers for iPhone

Hi there.

Sorry for the absence. My boyfriend's uncle has been diagnosed with cancer. His condition has suddenly worsened on Friday night.

By the time we visited him on Saturday, he was already unresponsive.

We could only see him sleeping on the hospital bed, breathing oxygen from the mask. A few months ago in a family reunion, he was still all fine and healthy. Such a jovial, cheerful person that makes everyone around him feel happy. I couldn't help but cry. It was so sad to see him like that.

I gave the portrait I drew to his wife and children. 

I didn't blog for a few days, decided that I should spend time with my boyfriend and be there for him.

Thanks for reading. Here is the addition for today.

The Balloon Bear

Tried out a few custom brushes. It's not bad at all. Learned a few new ways to add texture look to my drawing.

I also got myself a Layers app on my iPhone. It's a drawing tool. Have been trying it out (mostly on the subway train). It's not bad, actually. Although it's quite hard to draw detailed image on such a small screen with finger. I used the app to draw a few things these few days. Nothing that great, but the best I can draw on the phone. XD

Thanks for reading. The journey will begin again tomorrow.


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